South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) has opened a 10-bed Seniors Centre of Care unit at the Chesley hospital site.
The Seniors Centre of Care, which opened on Monday, is similar to the Restorative Care Unit (RCU) at the Chesley hospital, which focuses on helping patients regain their independence after the acute phase of an illness with the expectation that they will be able to return home. The Seniors Centre of Care has the same focus on activation, physiotherapy and socialization, for patients who are awaiting discharge to an alternate destination, such as long-term care, SBGHC said in a report last week.
“In recent months we have seen higher than normal volumes of patients waiting for placement in long-term care in all four of our hospital sites,” said Michael Barrett, SBGHC interim president and CEO. “Patients waiting in an acute care setting for placement in long-term care can experience significant functional decline due to limited mobility, physiotherapy, socialization and other activities. The Seniors Centre of Care will provide care that is more appropriate for this point in the patient’s journey as they are ready to leave the hospital, and transition to long-term care.”
The unit offers a variety of supports for patients including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and communal dining and activities.
“The Restorative Care Unit in Chesley has been very successful and well-received by our patients and families,” Barrett said. “We are excited to be able to expand on this to support the increasing population of patients that we are seeing that will benefit from this model of care.”
SBGHC opens seniors care unit in Chesley
SBGHC opens seniors care unit in Chesley was last modified: April 5th, 2019 by