Hockey Day in Kincardine by Tammy Schneider

It was a day of fun and good sportsmanship for the entire family at the annual Hockey Day
in Kincardine event, that included lots of hockey, raffles and live music. Seven teams, from all age groups, took to the ice to play during the event. Hockey Day is held on alternate years in Saugeen Shores and Kincardine. Admission was by donation or a donation of non-perish able food items for the Kincardine Food bank. It was estimated that over $2,300 worth of food was donated. The Ripley Wolves season opener against the Saugeen Shores Winterhawks was interrupted near the end of the second period, when problems with
the ice made it unsafe for players to continue the game. The Bulldogs game, that was to follow the Wolves game, was also cancelled.

Hockey Day in Kincardine by Tammy Schneider was last modified: October 8th, 2019 by Tammy Schneider

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