By Lan Jin
As the COVID-19 continues to spread and claim lives across Ontario, our lives have been changed by the pandemic. The Chinese community in Bruce County feels the urgency to act to protect our front-line workers. We believe can get through it by supporting each other.
“We need to do something to help our front-line doctors and nurses during this difficult time,” said Harry Hu, the leader of Bruce County Chinese community. “This is an international crisis, and everyone has the responsibility to do something. We all feel this is a very urgent thing to do because we have seen so many cases in Ontario. The government can do their share, but we feel the community members need to do our share to help.”
In a matter of days, more than 24 Chinese families in Bruce County worked together to initiate a formal fundraising via Wechat, a social media platform widely used in the Chinese community, to donate to the local hospitals to help fight COVID-19.
By March 31, the Chinese community has contributed more than $2,500, with pledges to send much more. The funds raised have been donated to the Southampton Hospital and Kincardine Hospital, to help pay for anything needed to fight COVID-19.
Besides raising the money, the Chinese community has also helped find sources to purchase most needed protective equipment and provided the information to local hospitals.
Chinese community in Bruce County donate more than $2,500 to local hospitals
Chinese community in Bruce County donate more than $2,500 to local hospitals was last modified: April 8th, 2020 by