Bruce Power celebrates Giving Tuesday with a matching sponsorship

In support of the Giving Tuesday movement, a one-day event that encourages people everywhere to donate what they can to participating charities, Bruce Power has announced it will match donations to Huron Shores Hospice, to a maximum of $5,000.

“Giving Tuesday is about individuals and organizations giving back in any way they can,” said Mike Rencheck, president and CEO of Bruce Power. “Bruce Power is dedicated to being an active partner in our community and we are proud to support organizations such as Huron Shores Hospice, who provide support to community members in difficult times.”

Huron Shores Hospice provides free, quality compassionate end-of-life care to families needing support for their loved ones in this community.

“We believe that everyone in our community deserves the right to die with dignity and compassion, supported by family members, in the community in which they live,” said Cheryl Cottrill, co-chair of Huron Shores Hospice. “We all want to go into 2022 with positivity and set up for success. Your donation will sustain us through to our Hike for Hospice event on May 7 and help get our in-person community programs up and running as the world opens up. We are so appreciative of Bruce Power’s offer to match donations, providing double the impact for each donation.”

Cottrill is putting her ‘money where her mouth is’ and has agreed to take a whipped cream pie in the face if they accomplish their goal of raising $10,000 on Giving Tuesday. Huron Shores Hospice executive director, Cathy Herbert, will have the pie-throwing honours, which will be shown on a Facebook live event on Dec. 1 at 11:00 a.m.

Bruce Power celebrates Giving Tuesday with a matching sponsorship was last modified: November 28th, 2021 by Tammy Schneider

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