Flower fundraiser set to begin May 12

By Tammy Schneider

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Warmer weather and sunshine has everyone thinking about gardens and flowers, so the annual geranium sale, hosted by the SBGHC Kincardine Hospital Auxiliary, couldn’t come at a better time.

In pre-pandemic years, the auxiliary accepted orders and payment for the plants, then offered pick up of the flowers in Victoria Park during one day in May. Because of gathering restrictions, the auxiliary pivoted and created a partnership with Kincardine Canadian Tire associate dealer, John Satosek, who offered the auxiliary the proceeds of all geranium sales sold at his store, during specific dates in May.

“John is a local business man dedicated to helping support the community,” said geranium committee chair Jeanne Lindsay. “By working with John we are able to have a larger audience or customer population that may be interested in our geraniums.”

This exposure to additional traffic means potentially higher sales, and also cuts out much of the heavy labour the auxiliary members experienced in previous years, such as loading and unloading flats of the flowers.

The plants, available in a variety of colours and tucked into four inch pots, can be purchased between May 12 and May 16 at the outdoor garden centre at Kincardine Canadian Tire. Lindsay says the auxiliary will have two volunteers at the garden centre between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. each day of the sale.  Each plant costs $3.29 plus tax. All proceeds from the fundraiser will be used by the auxiliary to purchase necessary equipment for the Kincardine hospital which is not funded by the government. In 2021, the sale raised $3,000.

“The Auxiliary pledges to try to bring comfort and hope to those in need either of mind or body,” said Lindsay.  “(And) to help the aged, very young or ill.  (It) works with no prejudice and direct efforts to serve others.  Supporting the Auxiliary initiatives directly helps our local hospital.  All proceeds from fundraising is given to the Kincardine Hospital – our own community.  At some point in everyone’s life we will need the services of a hospital.  The more financial help we provide, the more necessary equipment and supplies can be purchased.”

Lindsay says examples of purchases include special beds and chairs, Holter monitors for cardiac assessment and laboratory equipment.

Anyone with questions or needing more information is asked to contact Jeanne at 396-6190, Nicole at 396-2762, Liz at 396-3137, Carol at 395-5131 or Judy at 396-3004.

Flower fundraiser set to begin May 12 was last modified: April 27th, 2022 by Tammy Schneider

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