Bulldogs’ volleyball tournament supports Huron Shores Hospice

by Tammy Schneider 


A massive indoor volleyball tournament that boasted a sand playing field and registered 126 teams has shared its success with the local hospice. The Bulldogs organization, which organized the 22nd annual tournament, presented Huron Shores Hospice with a cheque for $4,680 to assist with their operating costs. The three-day tour nament that kicked off on May 2 featured an evening for local businesses to compete followed by recreational teams that competed in different divisions. At any given time there could be four games playing simultaneously. The decision to make the hospice the recipient charity was decided by both the committee and the teams registered to play. The Bulldogs and its fans are excited about their next fundraiser, scheduled for Saturday, June 1 at Reunion Park at Station Beach. The classic rock concert will feature three very wellknown tribute bands – Practically Hip, Epic Journey and Epic Eagles. Guests will hear all the big hits from these talented acts. The gates for the show open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds from the event will pay for expenses incurred by the Bulldogs during their season. Tickets for the Kincardine Bulldogs Summer Splash are on sale now, and available at Re/Max, The Loop, Bar Down, MicroAge Basics, Jean’s Restaurant and Dar-Lyn Pools. They are also available online at TicketScene. Price per person for this age of majority event is $35. Food will also be available onsite.

Bulldogs’ volleyball tournament supports Huron Shores Hospice was last modified: May 14th, 2019 by Tammy Schneider

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