by Barb McKay
Kincardine received good news from the Ontario government about municipal funding for this year.
During Monday’s council meeting, Treasurer Roxana Baumann reported that the municipality had received a notice from the province regarding its Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) grant for 2019. There had been some concern during budget deliberations that the OMPF grant allocation could be lower this year, and to be conservative Kincardine budgeted for a 10 per cent decrease.
Last month, however, the municipality learned that it will receive $1,164,200, which is a 1.3 per cent increase, or $15,000, more than what was allocated in 2018.
*The municipality undertook a review of last year’s capital project and staff reported to council that several came in under budget.
Treasurer Roxana Baumann told council on Monday that 23 projects were completed under budget, for a total savings of $294,211. There were also 17 projects that were completed over budget, for a total of $172,175. Of that $95,980 was attributed to a culvert failure on Concession 6 that needed to be replaced right away.
*Saugeen Mobility and Regional Transit (SMART) is asking for a total of $250,000 from its nine member municipalities to purchase three new vans.
According to a report from SMART, the vans are nine years old and cost for repairs and maintenance is increasing. The vans are necessary to transport the service’s most vulnerable clients. Kincardine’s contribution would be approximately $30,000.
Full coverage of this week’s Municipality of Kincardine council news will be published in our next edition.