Natural gas project ready to go

By Pauline Kerr

For Mayor Anne Eadie, the most important part of the update on the Southern Bruce Natural Gas Project is the fact it’s happening. “We’re getting natural gas,” the mayor said. “The pipe is here. We’re at the very final step.” CAO Sharon Chambers presented an update on the project at the July 3 meeting. The project has been in the planning stage for quite some time. The report outlined a recent hiccup – a misunderstanding between Epcor and the Ontario Energy Board regarding the parts of the project that have to be included in the environmental report. Epcor thought the ER covered only the mainline portion and didn’t include the 178 kilometres of service lines. The OEB’s position was the full 298 kilometres had to be covered in the ER. That means the addition of an update. As stated in the report, Epcor has begun site preparation and is ready to go. The first phase of construction will be the pipeline from Dornoch to the Bruce Energy Centre this summer. Construction will continue until the system is completed in 2021. Chambers said a lot of people have questions about the project, and Epcor has been advised “they need to have a presence here.” The mayor noted Epcor is looking for space to establish an office for the next few years. In response to a question from council about the OEB, the mayor noted, “It’s a heavily regulated industry. We’re almost there.”


Natural gas project ready to go was last modified: July 8th, 2019 by Tammy Schneider

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