Important information for customers of The Kincardine Independent

The Kincardine Independent team is committed to keeping you informed as we all deal with the Covid-19 Virus. These are trying times for everyone and we are doing our best to keep you informed and our staff safe.

Contacting us:
For the safety of our staff and the community we ask that whenever possible that you deal with our office over the telephone or by email. This ensures the safety of our team and allows us to keep getting you the valuable information that you need.
By phone : 519-396-3111
By mail: Box 1240, 840 Queen Street, Kincardine ON N2Z 2Z4

Paper Sales:
We encourage those who currently pick up the paper at the office to let us switch you to a mailed copy until the situation has resolved. For your convenience, we have also placed a newspaper street box outside the front door of the office at 840 Queen Street; you will need a 1.50 (a loonie and two quarters).

Letters to the Editor & Contacting Editorial staff:
The best way to contact our editorial department is by email to or leave a voice mail at 519-396-3111 ext. 101. You can also mail your letters to the address above.

Display Advertising:
For Display Advertising in the newspaper call the office at 519-396-3111 or by email to Payments by credit card can also be processed over the phone.

Classified Advertising:
The best way to place your classified ads right now is over the phone at 519-396-3111 or by email Payments by credit card can also be processed over the phone.

Subscriptions & Payments:
The best way to subscribe or renew a subscription or pay an invoice is by phoning 519-396-3111 or by sending an email to

If you still need to drop into the office to make a payment or drop off an ad, please be sure you are not showing any symptoms of the virus. Our temporary office hours are now Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times. Working together we will all make it through this challenge.

– The Kincardine Independent team

Important information for customers of The Kincardine Independent was last modified: March 20th, 2020 by Tammy Schneider

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